Smurfs© costumes

Prepare to have a great time with these Smurf costumes. Get dressed up in the Smurf costume that you like the most and get ready to party like a Smurf! It's Smurf time! You will triumph at the next Carnival or costume party with your Smurf costume. If you're going as a couple, you could show off a Smurfette costume and your favourite Smurf costume (Grouchy Smurf, Brainy Smurf...) or put on a Papa Smurf costume to be the wisest Smurf in the Smurf Village. Remember, there are Smurf costumes for all the family: for babies, kids or adults. Everyone will get the chance to paint their skin blue. Prepare yourselves for the next group costume, remaking the Smurf Village, the place where these dear blue dwarves live. Who will go dressed up as Papa Smurf? He will be in charge of keeping on eye on everyone and making sure that peace and harmony rule and helping the other Smurfs in the group to develop those qualities that make them so special: intelligence, strength... But like in every good story, there is always someone who wants to disturb the peace. Who will have to be Gargamel the evil one that together with his cat Azrael wants to destroy the Smurfs and rob their magic? This is one of the best Carnival costumes you could come up with and put together. Put on the Smurf costume that you like the most, paint your face blue and grab a Smurf hat, boot covers, mask or decoration for you to be able to celebrate the best birthday party.


